A Very Jones Christmas

The past few weeks have been crazy thus the very tardy Christmas update. We got to celebrate Christmas two weekends in a row, and we loved every minute of it. We got to see so much family, which was truly fantastic. We had our first Christmas with Jason’s…


Halloween was a ton of fun this year. Braxton is at that age where he is beginning to understand that saying “trick or treat” results in candy. The weather was beautiful, a bit brisk, but no snow or rain for once! Jason and I both worked the morning…

Art Prize 2016

Sunday, my sister, Braxton and I had the opportunity to visit Art Prize in Grand Rapids. The day started out rainy and a bit cold, but it cleared up and warmed up. We got there nice and early to help beat the crowds, and I’m glad we did,…

How to be More Productive

Photo Credit: Crew Productivity doesn’t mean cramming as much as possible into your day day after day. It’s about spending your time wisely and prioritizing tasks. If you’re anything like me, I’m constantly on the “go”. As a small business owner, author, work-out junkie, mother and wife, I…