Author: Danielle Jones

  • Pray a Little Prayer

    Up until recently, I hadn’t been much to pray. The reason behind that it because of an unlikely string of events that began in 2007. My parents separated in April, and my mom was in a terrible accident the following Fall that had her confined to a wheelchair for months followed by endless of hours… Read more

  • Finding Myself- Lost in the Busyness of Life

    Lately, I find myself “lost” in the busyness of life. There is a constant struggle I face trying to find a balance between being a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a role-model and a co-worker that it can oftentimes be a bit overwhelming. Last month I felt like I was in… Read more

  • The Working Mother

    As a new mother, I feel as though my life has become 100x busier. I work a normal 8am-5pm work day with a work out during lunch, then pick Brax up from daycare only to return home and do more work. Whether it’s cleaning the house, cooking, working on my books or studying, I feel… Read more

  • Motherhood

    Everyone told me so many different things about parenthood but no one could prepare me for being a “single” mom. Now let me clarify what I mean by being a “single” mom. You see, for those of you who don’t know me, my husband works second shift at his job. That means he goes into… Read more

  • 10 Things Never to Say to New Parents

    It’s amazing some of the things Jason and I have heard being brand new parents to a newborn baby boy. All I can think is, “We’re new parents, not morons!” Some of the “so-called advice” is more of a common sense thing and creates more of an annoyance for us then anything at all. Here… Read more

  • Working Out Post Pregnancy

    When is it the right time to get back into the gym post pregnancy? Many women ask themselves this after having children. Here are my thoughts on the subject: Iā€™m very fortunate to have recovered relatively quickly after delivering my first son. I am down 20 lbs already (I gained 35 lbs), and I am… Read more

  • Baby Braxton

    Baby Jones is here! Braxton Leland made his debut on March 11th @ 11:36pm. He was a healthy 8lbs for being over 2 weeks early. He was 20 1/4 inches long. He is everything Jason and I dreamed of and more! He has blessed our lives with so much joy in the 3 weeks that… Read more

  • Final Weeks of Pregnancy

    We are finally in the home stretch of this pregnancy. 36 weeks 5 days with only 26 days (or less) until we meet our little man. As I reflect on the last 8-9 months, all I know for sure is that I still feel so blessed to be going through this journey regardless of how… Read more

  • Pregnancy Perspective

    Yesterday when I was looking through old photos on my iPad, I found some pictures of me from the summer. I had an interesting perspective when I was looking through some of them and it occurred to me: “Why was I so critical of the way I looked before getting pregnant?” The two photos that… Read more