Christmas Blessings

This Christmas was the best one I’ve ever experienced. A large part of that is because our first child was with us. Jason and I had prayed for Braxton for two years before we conceived him, so we still consider him our little miracle. During the day Christmas Eve, we drove to Battle Creek to see Judy’s parents (Jason’s moms parents). We were there for an hour or two and then visited the cemetery to wish Mom a Merry Christmas. In the evening, we spent Christmas Eve with my sisters, their spouses, my nephew, dad, step-mom, step-sister and best friend. We had a great time! Everyone came over between 4pm and 6pm and stayed until 11pm-12:30am. It was worth the long day to spend time with those that mean the most. The next morning Jason, Braxton and I did our own thing as a small family. We opened presents and played until we got around to go to Battle Creek to see Jason’s parents and siblings. We were there up until the evening time and had a great time. We all got spoiled, and were exhausted by the time we got home. I know most people think of Christmas as a time to give and receive presents, but I see it as much more.

Obviously, we celebrate this day from a religious standpoint, and I believe that most American’s have forgotten the true meaning of Christmas. It’s become another materialistic holiday driven by retailers nation-wide. It’s unfortunate if you really think about. There are millions of people who work on Christmas day as well, and yet these workers go under-appreciated and unrecognized for their unselfish time away from their families. So many take others for granted when they go through the Starbucks drive-thru to get their coffee or stop at the gas station to fill up their car. These individuals should be home with their families celebrating the true meaning of Christmas not working to make a buck. To those individuals who have to be away from their family on Christmas, I thank you. Your service does not go unnoticed.

I hope everyone took some time to reflect on the past year and are truly thankful for all that they have been blessed with. More often than not, people only think about the bad things or lack of things, whereas; they should be thinking of the positives and being thankful for everything they do have. There are tons of families out there just trying to make ends meet, and oftentimes; the holidays only solidifies their unfortunately circumstances.

Do yourself a favor and before the New Year comes, take a few minutes to reflect on the past year. Do it for yourself and your family. You surely will not regret it.

Jason and I on Christmas Day
Jason and I on Christmas Day
Braxton staring out the window mid present opening.
Braxton staring out the window mid present opening.
Jason and I
Our Jones Family
Braxton and I-Christmas Day
Braxton and I-Christmas Day

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