Dear Strong-Willed Child, You’re 100% Worth It
Dear Strong-Willed Child,
Lately we’ve been battling about small things such as shoes, clothing, food, messes which have led to screaming, crying and early bedtimes. You had just stopped crying in this photo, eyes still wet with tears as I reminded you how much I love you. Only moments earlier, your face was red, wet from tears and I was fighting back tears. You see, today our battles are about little kid things. Someday, they might be about curfews, girls or cleaning up your room.
No matter what, here’s what I want you to know:
We are NOT defined by:
-these battles
-the storms
-the early bedtimes
-the timeouts
-the bad days or hard moments
-the screaming matches and the tears which eventually follow
We ARE defined by:
-the times I held you tight before bedtime
-the times I held you as you cried
-the times I covered you in kisses
-the times I hugged you like it was my job
-the times I praised you
-the times I prayed for you and said I love you
-the fact that I will never ever give up on you
You are mine forever and always, and I know that even though we have our bad days and bad moments, we aren’t defined by them.
Some days I am fuming, and I feel like giving up. I question myself as a mother, and I find myself asking if I’m just not a great mother. We do this day in and day out, yet I know that this is only a phase. I have to remind myself that you’ll outgrow your childish tantrums and replace them with teenage ones. I want you to know that I’m all in. Every damn day. Am I tired? Absolutely. Am I tired of yelling and begging you to listen? Heck yes, but I choose you, in your kicking, screaming, fuming, sweaty glory.
You’re strong-willed. One day you will channel that inner strength and be a world changer. You aren’t deterred, and you’re destined for greatness. As you grow, I’m faced with a decision to reign in that strong will or encourage growth through it. My hope is that I nurture that fire and grow it to unprecedented heights instead of smothering it.
I pray that you used your strong will to change your piece of the planet, to love and help others and to be the absolute best version of yourself.
You are a world-changer.
We have time to figure all the rest out. Until then, please know that you are 100% worth every battle, every tear, every screaming match today and always.
Love you forever.
#strongwilledchild #myboy #fiveyearsold#mommyingishard #worththebattle #tiredmomma#exhausted #coffeechaosandgiggles #miblogger