Tag: Boy Mom

  • Things My 5 Year Old Says


    Every year since my son start forming coherent sentences, I have recorded the things I have found comical and worthy of saving because as a mother, I want to remember these things forever. And also, my oldest is pretty darn hysterical. For those who know him, you’d probably agree. He’s also relatively naughty and tends… Read more

  • 10 Universal Truths about Raising Boys

    10 Universal Truths about Raising Boys

    I am the proud mom of two boys. Two very cute, very energetic, head-strong little boys who are equally a mix of their daddy’s attitude and pure masculinity and their mamma’s sass and sweetness. I often get asked what it’s like to raise boys, and I immediately visualize the funny memes circulating the internet that… Read more

  • 21 Ways to Savor your Children While You Still Have Them

    21 Ways to Savor your Children While You Still Have Them

    It’s true what they say, that time flies by! My two boys will be grown in a blink of an eye, and they’ll only be here at home for a short while. Although they’ll always be mine, there will come a point where they don’t need anything from me. They’ll outgrow my lap and eventually… Read more

  • Cultivating Friendships to Last

    Cultivating Friendships to Last

    In a world that spins around instant gratifications, quick fixes and social media profiles, it can be really difficult to cultivate and keep lasting friendships. Although we all have the ability to portray particularly different sides of ourselves online, the truth is that we need friends to keep us grounded in the middle of the… Read more

  • 10 Ways to be a Happier Mom

    There are some days where I just feel like I got my butt kicked all dang day. I clean, then I re-clean. I answer the same questions 1000 times, and I rarely finish a cup of coffee without re-heating it 1-2 times. I clean up pee and vomit, and shovel loads of laundry in and… Read more

  • An Open Letter to My Son on Your First Birthday

    Dearest Beckett, You’re a year old today. A whole 365 days. I am trying to hold back tears as I think about how fast this past year has flown by. If I’m being completely honest, I kind of wished away the year because I have been anxiously awaiting your cochlear implant surgery so you can… Read more

  • Things My 3 Year Old Said

    I may be bias, but I truly feel that my child is the funniest child there is. This past year, I made it a point to record every little thing he said that made his father and I laugh. Now that he turns four in 10 days, I figured I’d share with you all this… Read more

  • A Mother’s Unfiltered Thoughts on the Las Vegas Shooting

    I’ve been trying to put into words just how I feel about the Las Vegas mass shooting that occurred only days ago. I’m sad, I’m pissed off, I’m confused, and I’m scared. Watching the news coverage on the shooting and hearing witness reports nearly brings me to tears. It’s hard not to show emotion, am… Read more