Thanksgiving Blessings

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It’s for certain that this Thanksgiving was the best one yet, and the biggest reason behind my saying that is my son. I cannot emphasize enough how my son has changed me for the better. The same feelings apply towards my husband and father to my son. I would’t say that I was lost before I had these two in my life, but I certainly wasn’t happy. I had just ended a long term relationship that left me feeling lonely and uncertain for my future. The only thing that was certain is that I was strong willed and determined to push forward in a positive direction. I’m so glad that things works out the way that they did because my life is pretty perfect. There may be outside factors that try to affect my personal life, and I have had to realize that my family is first and foremost, always with zero exceptions. And this will remain the same forever because at the end of the day I have my family there when all else fails. So, this Thanksgiving I was fortunate to spend a few days with family and most importantly my son and my husband. They are truly the highlight of my life.I hope that someday I can repay them for what they have given me, but until that time I will do everything in my power to show them just how much they mean to me. Hope you and yours had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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