Tag: Michigan Blogger

  • Chicken Enchilada Pie

    Who LOVES Mexican food? I’ll raise my dang hand all day long. I could literally eat it everyday. I recently created a new recipe combining some of my favorite Mexican-inspired food ingredients, and it turned out wonderful! It’s a chicken enchilada pie. It’s easy and quick to make, but the HUGE flavor is the BEST… Read more

  • Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies

    These cookies have easily become one of my favorites. It’s funny how a bit of oatmeal can help you feel a little less bad about eating cookies, am I right? Since having surgery a few weeks ago, I’ve been baking a little bit more, because why not? I have never ever been good at baking… Read more

  • 41 Things I love about my Husband

    My fabulous husband turns 41 (this is his FAVORITE number) this week, and in honor of celebrating him and the amazing man that he is, I thought I’d share 41 things I love about him. Without further adieu…. Dearest husband, here are 41 things I love about you. Your dashing good looks Your smile Your wittiness… Read more

  • What Your Entrepreneur Friends Want You to Know

    What Your Entrepreneur Friends Want You to Know

    We all have that crazy talented friends that makes that badass homemade craft or takes crazy beautiful photos. They inspire us and leave us in awe, but we’re left at a loss of how to support them and their endeavors. It’s so much easier than you think to support them and their small business. Did… Read more

  • Mastectomy 101: Mastectomy Planning and Recovery Necessities

    Mastectomy 101: Mastectomy Planning and Recovery Necessities

    Now that I’m on recovery cruise control, I thought I would share some helpful information I have learned along the way, and although I pray you never have to go through this, I hope I can provide some insight that is helpful. I really don’t have the right words to  to describe how incredibly strong… Read more

  • Things my Four Year Old Says


    Every year I write down the random, obnoxious and hilarious things my son says. I, honest to God, think he is the most hilarious person I have ever meet, and there is no doubt a career in entertainment is in his future. Some of the things he says aren’t always appropriate so before all the… Read more

  • Cranberry Rosemary and Maple One Pan Chicken

    If you’re in Midwest, you’ve probably been getting slammed with winter weather. From freezing rain to piles upon piles of snow, we’re all getting a bit of cabin fever. That all said, are you looking for a quick and easy one pan chicken recipe to help get you through? Look no further! This cranberry rosemary… Read more

  • 21 Ways to Savor your Children While You Still Have Them

    21 Ways to Savor your Children While You Still Have Them

    It’s true what they say, that time flies by! My two boys will be grown in a blink of an eye, and they’ll only be here at home for a short while. Although they’ll always be mine, there will come a point where they don’t need anything from me. They’ll outgrow my lap and eventually… Read more

  • 10 Ways to be a Happier Mom

    There are some days where I just feel like I got my butt kicked all dang day. I clean, then I re-clean. I answer the same questions 1000 times, and I rarely finish a cup of coffee without re-heating it 1-2 times. I clean up pee and vomit, and shovel loads of laundry in and… Read more