Braxton is 8 Months!

This sweet boy of ours is celebrating 8 months of life today! He has been an absolute blessing to Jason and I! Ever since he came into our lives, we have embraced parenthood with open arms, and although we may not always have it right, he loves us just the…

A Letter to My Son

Dearest Braxton, If there is one thing I have learned to my marriage to your dad, it’s that one should never stop trying in a relationship. Oftentimes, divorce seems to be the only answer to some couples because that is easier to do than to “try” and fix…


This evening I came across a video of a young man who was recently diagnosed with ALS at the age of 26. Yes, 26 years young. For those who haven’t lost a loved one to this debilitating disease, you are fortunate. I had the unfortunate event of experiencing…

New Business Venture: Two Clicks Photography & Event Planning

I wanted to share the exciting news of my new business venture with YOU! My sister and I are sooooo excited about capturing your precious moments on camera and expressing your personality through our event planning! I wanted to share with you more information about Two Clicks Photography & Event Planning. Myself and my…

Pray a Little Prayer

Up until recently, I hadn’t been much to pray. The reason behind that it because of an unlikely string of events that began in 2007. My parents separated in April, and my mom was in a terrible accident the following Fall that had her confined to a wheelchair…

The Working Mother

As a new mother, I feel as though my life has become 100x busier. I work a normal 8am-5pm work day with a work out during lunch, then pick Brax up from daycare only to return home and do more work. Whether it’s cleaning the house, cooking, working…