The Ultimate Gift

Several months ago, Jason and I came to a unanimous decision that we were done having children. Our journey to parenthood was long, expensive and emotional. We both decided that we were content and very much happy with the little family we have. All of that said, we…

10 Things I Don’t Want to Hear as a Parent of Child with a Hearing Disability

10 Things I Don’t Want to Hear as a Parent of Child with a Hearing Disability

In the first 3 months of raising a child who is deaf, I’ve heard my fair share of unsolicited  parenting advice, and although well-meaning,  the comments can be both ignorant and hurtful. There have been times when I have had to practice self-control and kindness because I’m tempted…

When Silence Becomes an Every Day Reality for Your Child: A Parent’s Heartache

As parents, you want to do everything you can to protect your children. But what if something happens outside of your control? What if your child is born sick? What if after they get better, something else happens? What if you’re told that your six week old who…

To My Firstborn

Dearest Braxton, In just a few weeks, you will no longer be an only child. It’s sure to be a transition for you, your father and I, so I can’t help but worry a bit. You’ve been the center of our world for the past 3+ years, and…